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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

At Bradwell Junior School, we believe all children deserve high-quality teaching and that approaches to teaching which support pupils with Special Educational Need and Disabilities (SEND) support all children to learn effectively. We believe that strong working partnerships between school and home are crucial to supporting pupils with SEND and that by keeping their voice at the centre of decision making we advocate for their needs. We believe that all children deserve equal access to all the opportunities school provides academically, socially and emotionally. We are an inclusive and nurturing school, where we value children’s unique differences, taking account of their varied life experiences and needs, so that they can flourish and feel safe.

Our aims for pupils with SEND are for them to:

  • Participate fully in all the opportunities offered.
  • Have a sense of belonging to the school community.
  • Achieve their best socially, emotionally and academically.
  • Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.
  • Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training.

We operate a graduated response to supporting all pupils based on their individual needs and this is organised into three waves. For more information about the support pupils receive, please see the graduated response document. This outlines our approach to support, including that which is ordinarily available in the classroom, any intervention support which may be in a small group or on a one-to-one basis that is different from or additional to the day-to-day classroom adaptations, and more bespoke or tailored support for pupils with significant barriers to learning.

We recognise that, for some pupils, the school environment can itself be a barrier to learning and significant thought has gone into making the school a calm environment where sensory overload has been considered.

The whole staff team, led by the SENDCo (Kathryn McGuiness), are fully committed to inclusive practice and their own professional development. Everyone has their role to play in supporting pupils with SEND.

We recognise that for families of children with SEND there can be significant challenges at home in supporting or managing their needs and it can sometimes feel like you are alone. Each term we run a coffee morning for parents/carers of pupils with SEND along with Bradwell Infant School. This helps to create a network of support within the school community.

Further sources of advice or support for parents/carers can be found through the following links:

For further information about how we support pupils with SEND, please see our Accessibility Plan, SEND Information Report and SEND Policy all of which are available on our policies page. If you have any other questions, please do contact Kathryn McGuiness, our SENDCo.