About Us
Bradwell Junior School is a small junior school in the heart of the Peak District National Park. We are part of Chorus Education Trust, which consists of both primary and secondary schools across Derbyshire and South Yorkshire. We work closely together as a collective with the education and well-being of all our children remaining the ‘main thing’.
We have very close working relationships with Bradwell Infant School, from where most of our children join us, and with Hope Valley College, to where the majority of our children move for their secondary education.
Bradwell Junior School consists of two mixed-age classes: Class 1 is for children in Years 3 and 4; and Class 2 for children in Years 5 and 6. Children regularly mix within the school day for assemblies, playtimes, lunch, food technology, gardening and forest school sessions. We enjoy working together and learning from each other.
Welcome from Mrs McGuiness, Headteacher

I would like to offer you all a warm welcome to our school website.
Bradwell Junior School is a nurturing, inclusive school where pupils, parents and staff work actively in partnership to enable all children to reach their full potential academically, socially and emotionally. We strive to create an environment where we are all learners, where curiosity is encouraged and where a love for learning is fostered.
As a small school, strong relationships are built between members of the school community and our families, and we celebrate the unique qualities of all the individuals in our care. Enabling our children to develop their understanding of their place in the world, a sense of right and wrong and an understanding of who they are as a person are just as important to us as their academic achievements.
We believe that for children to thrive, they must feel safe and be happy in their environment and relationships. Our ethos is built around respect for ourselves, other people, our learning and the environment and this permeates everything we do.
Built in 1895, the stone building blends the old and the new seamlessly within its beautiful grounds, which provide a stimulating environment for the children. Sitting in the Peak District National Park, we make the most of the natural environment on our doorstep to develop resilience and confidence in the children through extracurricular activities such as Forest Schools and gardening in our well-developed vegetable garden, the produce of which is used in our weekly food technology lessons. These supplement our high-quality teaching and learning and enrich our pupils’ school experience.
I am incredibly proud of how our pupils engage in their learning, developing into resilient, socially aware individuals who are ultimately ready to take up their place in the world.
Obviously, this website can only give a small flavour of Bradwell Junior School. I would be very happy to meet you in person to find out more about how we can help your child grow into their wonderfully unique self. Our doors are always open.
Kathryn McGuiness