In Year 6, children take their Standardised Assessment Tests (SATs), as required by the government. This is where all children in the country are assessed in reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG) and maths. Teachers also assess the children and give a teacher assessment level for reading, writing and maths.
SATs week always happens in May. Children are assessed under controlled conditions, and we know this can be a stressful time for children and parents. At Bradwell Junior School, we help to prepare our children from Year 3 through carrying out assessment booklets in the style of SATs, using this information to inform our future planning. This familiarity helps reduce anxiety, as it is part of what everyone does in school. We also support children throughout the school year in lessons by sharing examples and providing informal revision sessions.
In the assessment week itself, we run a SATs breakfast for pupils and provide plenty of opportunities for children to talk about anything that might be worrying them. We always remind the children that as long as they have tried their best then everyone, including themselves, will be happy.
Key stage 2 performance measures (SATs 2023-24)
This is provisional data published in December 2024.
- 60%: the percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths (combined) (England average: 61%)
- 0%: the percentage of pupils who achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths (combined) (England average: 8%)
- 108: pupils' average scaled score in reading (England average: 105)
- 104: pupils' average scaled score in maths (England average: 104)
Performance data for Bradwell Junior School can be found on the Department for Education website: