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Our school uniform helps children to feel a sense of belonging to Bradwell Junior School and fosters that sense of pride. Having a uniform helps to remove any barriers children might feel regarding brands of clothing as everyone is wearing the same. As uniform can be considerably expensive, we strongly recommend writing your child’s name in their clothing so we can easily return any items that have been misplaced.

Main uniform

  • Royal blue sweatshirt (not a hoodie) or cardigan – with or without logo.
  • White or royal blue polo shirt – with or without logo.
  • Black, grey or dark blue smart trousers (not jeans or tracksuit bottoms/joggers), leggings, shorts, skirt, pinafore.
  • Blue or red gingham dress.
  • Grey, dark blue or black tights.
  • Plain black shoes or trainers.

Please encourage your child to dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

PE kit

We do have a specific PE kit, and children should come to school wearing this on the days they have PE. Your class teachers will inform you of this on a termly basis. Please do be aware of the weather conditions as we aim to carry out PE lessons outside for as much of the year as possible.

  • Plain black jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts.
  • Plain white t-shirt.
  • Trainers or plimsolls.
  • Royal blue fleece or school jumper – with or without logo.

Uniform suppliers

Please do not feel like you must have uniform with the logo on, but if you would like to purchase uniform with the school logo, you can use:

Heatherhill Farm Embroidery

1 Park View, Main Road, Bamford, Hope Valley S33 0AY



The wearing of jewellery at school can cause considerable problems, particularly earrings. If your child has their ears pierced, they must only wear small stud earrings to school and will be asked to remove them for PE.

The Association for Physical Education, the national body who advise schools on good practice in PE, state that children must not wear earrings for PE and that taping earrings can still not be enough to protect pupils from injury. Any children wearing earrings that they cannot remove themselves, will not be permitted to participate in PE lessons and there may be elements of lessons where children wearing tape may not be able to participate based on a dynamic risk assessment by the teacher. Tape must be applied at home or by the child themselves in school. If they are unable to apply the tape themselves school staff are not permitted to apply it for them.

No other jewellery, except watches (not a smart watch) can be worn to school. This includes badges, necklaces, and loombands.