School Day
Our school week is 33.3 hours a week. The school doors open at 8.30am, which gives the children 20 minutes to come in and settle before their learning starts at 8.50am.
Time | Activity |
8.50am – 11.55am | Morning session |
11.55am – 1.00pm | Lunchtime |
1.00pm – 3.30pm | Afternoon session |
What does this look like on a day-to-day basis?
Access to the school site is through the gate on the main drive next to the bottom playground. Children enter here and make their way to the back door of school where they line up and wait for a member of staff who will supervise them from 8.30am. This may be on the bottom playground or in classrooms depending on the weather.
The gate to the playground is locked at 8.45am to allow children to enter the classroom and be ready for the register which is taken at 8.50am. Lessons then start.
Each morning the children have their English and maths lessons, with additional shorter sessions for spelling, handwriting or phonics. At 10.15am most days we have a whole school assembly, followed by a playtime at 10.30am.
On some days of the week children spend playtimes as a class. When this happens, they spend one break at either playground, giving them the opportunity to play a variety of imaginative and sports-based games. On the other days, they choose which playground they want to go to, and this is when they mix with children from the other class.
After playtime, they return to their classroom until lunchtime, which starts at 11.55am. All the children eat together in Class 2 and are mixed with children from across the school to support friendship building throughout school. After they have finished eating, they have a playtime until lessons start again.
The afternoon register is taken at 1.00pm once the children have returned to the school buildings. The afternoon session runs from the register until the end of the day at 3.30pm. Within the afternoon, at least two subjects are taught, with a short movement break in the classroom between them. The full range of subjects is taught throughout the school year and more information can be found on our curriculum page. Shorter reading sessions are also timetabled in an afternoon.
At the end of the school day, Class 1 children leave the school building across the playground and onto the drive through the side gate. Class 2 children leave through the main entrance at the top of the drive. We would advise parents to come up the drive and wait for their children on the right-hand side opposite the playground.