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Remote Learning

Home Learning

At Bradwell Junior School, we believe that home learning activities should be purposeful and consolidate learning taking place in school. We recognise that the school day is incredibly busy and that children may use time out of school for other valuable learning opportunities, such as sports clubs, music lessons or Cubs/Brownies, amongst others. They also need time to play, socialise and relax. As such, careful consideration is given to the amount of home learning set each week. This is an opportunity for the children to consolidate their learning at home and it helps you to keep in touch with what your child has been learning in school. Homework focuses on reading, spelling and maths and is sent out on a Tuesday to be returned the following Monday.

  • Reading: we expect children to read at home three times a week for at least ten minutes in addition to the reading they are completing in school. After they have read the whole book, they should fill in their reading log with a short review.
  • Spelling: each week, the children are given up to ten words to practise spelling at home. These words are also being studied in school in spelling lessons and are based on key word lists for their age. They should complete their spellings using the look, cover, write, check, method.
  • Maths: each class receives a short piece of maths homework each week. The focus of this may vary from week to week based on the learning that has been happening in class, or focus on recall of key number facts, such as multiplication tables.

The expectation is that all children complete their homework but if, for any reason, your child has difficulty with their home learning, please do contact their class teacher.

Here are some links to websites which may be able to supplement your child’s learning at home:


  • Rollama: SPaG practice made fun (log-in required available from school).
  • SpellingFrame: help with pronouncing words.



Remote Learning

From time to time, your child may not be able to attend school for reasons other than illness. If this is the case, we would expect that every effort is made for them to continue with their learning at home in a way that mirrors the learning taking place in class.

When we are informed, by phone call no later than 8.15am, that a child is not be able to attend but is otherwise well enough to continue with their learning, staff will make the most appropriate decisions about the learning for the day.

Activities set will be a combination of the following:

  • Independent learning tasks relating to the work being carried out in class. These may be online or paper-based and will be either emailed or sent through ClassDojo to parents. We aim for a balance between online and offline activities.
  • Live lessons where your child would join a lesson for the main input virtually so they can access the teaching directly as it happens. This would be managed through Microsoft TEAMS and a link would be emailed to parents in advance of the lesson.

If this absence is only for one day, the work completed at home must be brought to school when your child returns. For longer periods, the completed tasks should be either uploaded to your child’s ClassDojo portfolio (using their individual log-in) or emailed to your child’s class teacher at the end of the day.