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Friends of Bradwell Schools

FOBS logoFriends of Bradwell Schools (FOBS) was formed in January 2000 and is a group of parents and staff who actively support the work of both Bradwell Junior School and Bradwell Infants School, raising money throughout the year to support the enrichment of our children’s education.

They work diligently to organise large annual events such as the Easter Fayre or Bradwell Street Fair during Carnival Week in August, alongside smaller fundraising activities such as sponsored walks, providing refreshments and quiz nights. Monies raised have contributed to the development of our food technology room and the re-development of our school pond as well as supporting with the purchase of play equipment, covering transport costs for trips and enrichment days, which add to the wonderful experiences we are able to offer.

FOBS is a warm, welcoming group of parents and staff who are always looking for people to join the committee or offer support during events. If you would like more information about how you can get involved or up-coming events, please email FOBS at or ask a member of staff to introduce you to a member of the committee.